Reflective Essay in Nursing Profession

Sample Reflective Essay in Nursing Profession

The current article provides an example of reflective essay as the reflective article samples or reflective article format are crucial to understand in nursing practices. The change in health needs and expectations has created the urge for the healthcare sector to recognise an unconventional service by nursing and medical professionals and government while enhancing the quality of primary care services to people. In future, the healthcare sector is focused on involving greater health promotion, chronic diseases monitoring the care of older patients while coping the increasing complexity in care standard. The process involves astute use of existing resources while cultivating work practices with an innovation used by other health professionals and practice nurses (Ion, et al., 2018). However, in Australia, the healthcare sector is facing a shortage of health workforce following the underlying need to develop a sustainable and responsive health workforce while maintaining the commitment to high quality and safe health outcomes. The examples of reflective essays can be seen in multiple theories. According to intersectionality theory, the process of clinical and health service inquiry is followed with research approach within the health service inquiry having a strong impact of people’s health (Mapedzahama, et al., 2018).

It is essential for nursing staff to follow up with a combination of philosophies under universal generalisability to develop understanding upon meeting health disparities to minimise the risk to complex aspects of a gendered power relationship, gender relationship, and other cultural relationship following the multiplicity of individual lives. By combining intersectionality theory, complexity theory, and social determinants, it is important for individuals to extrapolate broader social location in Australia contributing healthcare access and practices within areas of inequalities, confounding factors, structural relationship synergises with identification to produce health inequalities (Powell Sears, 2012). It is essential for nursing professionals to define the areas in which they are required to intersect identities within institutions within the hierarchies of power, gender, sexuality, and social relationship supporting illness and diseases. As a health care professional, I often meet people facing issues with a healthcare service provider having complex needs which often become challenging for us healthcare professionals to comply within the scope of our rights and responsibilities (Piller & Takahashi, 2010).

Our focus in health care operations is followed with the intersection of primary healthcare provider interconnecting with patients understanding their needs embodied with the process in space and time. We have learned about our roles and responsibilities under the Australian Practice Nurses Association of Australia following clinical care involving procedures and activities. It also considers practices needing management, coordination, and administration to support administrative practices as business entities (Clark, et al., 2015). It has followed us to develop the integration requiring effective communication channels with general practices following organisation and individuals. According to patient demographics, the practices are influenced by nursing play supporting families focused on immunisation and health issues. As a healthcare professional, I have focused on sustaining strong belief about having cultural identity following the components of the social and emotional wellbeing of patients under the Australian Framework of health as it is often cultivated and maintained while developing the connection to community and traditional lands (Morley & O’Connor, 2016).

As an individual, I am personally focused on fostering effective response following positive coping mechanism having life balance to protect individuals with adverse life experience facing issues having self-assessed health, educational, and wellbeing outcomes for greater life satisfaction. I believe that having a cultural impact on nursing practices are focused on the cultural identity of individuals to assess resources Australia Wide (Breckenridge & Hamer, 2014). While working in a professional setting, we have to follow with a positive attitude encouraging individuals to develop their own roles setting standards for education and role model guidelines, though there isa time when we face challenges. For example, in Australia, I think that the define health safety and quality standards are quite insufficient ensuring safe culture for patients achieving optimum care outcomes. Business with health care is disempowering boasting the likelihood of culturally safe clinical care contributing to health improvement. I think that it is followed with cultural safety within mandatory standards to offer safe, quality-assured clinical care strengthening inadequate gap within healthcare delivery (Keleher, et al., 2007).

Furthermore, throughout any career, I believe that while integrating cultural safety with healthcare practices reconfigure healthcare allowing the equity following the access to an appropriate intervention improving standards for individuals in professional work setting following a procedure based on conditions of Australian population irrespective on indigenous and non-indigenous people. As a healthcare worker, I have experienced cultural safety indigenous-lead care model limited, however, it has taken uptake from the inherent power imbalance with the healthcare service provider and patients (O'Connell, et al., 2014). Furthermore, I personally believe that having cultural safety, the care results often inadvertent disempowering of the recipients involving in decision making while maximising the care effectiveness. We are required to work on effective work practices by making sure that individuals in our work setting are aware of considering power relationship implementing reflective practices which further allow the individuals clarifying safety means. I was always focused on cultural safety and institutional care to deliver effective care identifying communication difficulties and barriers with intervention or procedures to overcoming these barriers (Currie, et al., 2007).

I think that as nurses, we are required to work on communal development having the discipline to incorporate evidence-based research to support science and approaches to improve healthcare practices taken into consideration to support cultural and socioeconomic background for people in need ensuring interaction and sensitivity to support effective care practices. The goal of the community role in supporting individual practices is focused on health nursing promoting, protecting, and preserving public health involving various scenario (Piller & Takahashi, 2010).For example, promoting healthy lifestyles, and preventing disease and health problem supporting direct care to the individual requiring it. I am currently looking forward to educating myself and others about making efficient decisions following people with chronic conditions so that they can make healthy decisions while supporting their roles under health and wellness programs. As a nation, I think that we are facing major issues such as infectious and sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, poor nutrition, substance abuse, smoking, teen pregnancy, and other (Clark, et al., 2015).

Currently, I am looking forward to improving my focus as community nursing work in healthcare institutions while giving importance to the healthcare practices in remote places supporting people facing issues such as chronic illness, and economic struggle looking forward to improving individual welfare. I was focused on bringing quality patient care in a vulnerable and underserved member of the society (Keleher, et al., 2007). From what I have experienced, nursing practices in Australia has followed in response to government initiatives to support the primacy care followed with current demographics and employment characteristics exploring the trends supporting their role in the recent time. Following my role in Australia general practices, I have followed with the expansion in the last decade following the changes in health policies, funding models, and nursing education are transforming the Australian primary care landscape (Morley & O’Connor, 2016).

To summarise, it can be said that nursing practices are evolving in this era continuously hence require us as nurses to continuously learn about new standards, regulations, and policies formulating perspectives. This I believe can support us meet the difficulties of this industry dynamics whole contributing our role in the social and communal background doing good for the people in Australia.