Self_esteem and Coping Stretegies

What is Self-esteem?
Self-esteem definition pertaining to the most straightforward meaning of how one evaluates oneself or one’s worth. In other words, self-esteem refers to the overall refection of one’s self, encompasses rigid beliefs and emotional response. Self-esteem helps the individual to feel happiness or grief in response to rigid beliefs. The high self-esteem leads to joy, self-acceptance and satisfaction with life. In contrast, low self-esteem leads to many social, emotional, behavioural and psychological issues.

In the current modern times, low self-esteem is a common issue among people. The high level of competition in academic, social, personal, and career life, people often compare themselves with other people regardless of individual difference. These unfair comparisons are the core cause of self-esteem. Furthermore, low self-esteem leads to numerous other psychological issues. Therefore to boost self-esteem among people is imperative in the current time. The present article provides several techniques for assisting people in promoting their self-esteem.

Recognizing Low Self-esteem

The recognition of low self-esteem is essential to boost high self-esteem. The low self-esteem often expresses in three basic patterns.

Imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome refers to false confidence and accomplishment to mask the weakness of insecurities. A person manifests false belief to depict the world that he is capable and not insecure from any challenging situation. Unfortunately, deep down, they are full of insecurities and loops. Similarly, the trends of tattoos on the body considered the high status and modernism among female. A recent study recommends that the females having tattoo’s on their bodies portrays high self-esteem as compared to that female who does don’t have tattoos on the body. The women with tattoos have low self-esteem; they use symbols and other techniques to feel superior or different and rebellious from other people (Kertzman et al., 2019). Such people think fear to reveal their true and flawed self. Therefore, they use procrastination or perfectionism to deal with anxiety.


The core cause of low self-esteem is the current social standards of beauty, status, and cross-cultural trends. The media has set the standards for the beauty of female in particular weight and body size. Therefore the overweight or underweight female evaluate themselves incapable of meeting the standard of the beauty and experience low self-esteem. As a result, they put on over makeup to look attractive or different or stop taking an interest in their outer look and prefer to remain messy, or dirty. If a female put on over makeup or spend extra time on beauty and adopt rebellious hair cut or fashion often found to have low self-esteem. Similarly, according to previous studies, the female doesn’t take care of herself and looks messy and dirty encompasses low self-esteem.


The third expression of low self-esteem is victimhood, which is common among females as compared to males. The people who experience helpless in response to challenge manifest self-pitiness and expect from other people to support them in the phase of challenges.

Causes of low self-esteem

Multiple social and emotional aspects lead to low self-esteem, a few are listed below.

Social Standards

The social standards in socioeconomic status, beauty and fashion and develop esthetic senses which are leading to low self-esteem among deprived people. Deprivation to meet beauty, social and fashion standards, people feel low self-esteem.

Traumatic Experiences

Death of a family member, trauma and mental and physical abuse are also one of the main reason for developing low self-esteem. Rejection in Close relationship is the major cause of low self-esteem. Failure at one stage of life leads to success at another stage of life. Unfortunately, people don’t understand this dilemma and when they confront any failure to develop low self-esteem. They start generalizing their failure at each phase of life, and their belief of failure leads to dissatisfaction with life and low self-esteem. Also, it develops the feeling of victimization among people.


Some people are very sensitive and feel disappointment on minor failures and stressful situations. Oversensitivity to minor issue leads to low self-esteem, for example, in response to criticism or failure, they express low self-esteem.

Unrealistic Goals

Setting up unrealistic goals and unable to achieve the desired outcome is another cause of low self-esteem. The balance between goals and reality is imperative to maintain high self-esteem.

Impact of low self-esteem

The low self-esteem adversely affects the life of the individual and swap away from the joy. They stop taking an interest in pleasurable activities and becomes more self-centred. The low self-esteem also deteriorates their productive life at school, home and workplace. The low self-esteem leads to multiple mental or psychological issues which are listed below. 

Eating disorder

To meet the standard of beauty, people often develop an eating disorder. Furthermore, in the cases of stressful phase, they eat less or eat more to reduce their depressive states.


The low self-esteem leads o depression, as past studies revealed that people with low self-esteem report depressive symptom. They lost taking an interest in daily activities, feel depressed nearly every day and avoid joyful activities.

Social anxiety and Isolation

People with low self-esteem feel severe anxiety in social gathering and prefer avoiding and escaping. The fear of criticism leads to social anxiety. As they evaluate themselves incapable, and experience fears to get exposed in front of other people. Such fear develops extreme social anxiety, which further leads to many behavioural issues such as isolation.


Low self-esteem among people has given rise to dependency. The people with low self-esteem experience substantial dependency on others with the belief they cannot do anything perfectly. The feeling of low self-esteem destroy their confidence to accomplish any task, and they feel satisfied with the performance of other people.  


Low self-esteem is consistent with anger, which is more common among males as compared to female. Females report internal aggression while males express external aggression in response to low self-esteem. Anger causes more behavioural and psychological issues such as to conduct disorder and impulsiveness.

Low Self-esteem and Coping Strategies

The following are effective coping strategies to boost high self-esteem. In the above example, low self-esteem has been consistent with the social standard either for beauty status and cultural. The following coping strategies have been elaborated accordingly.

Alteration of Cognitive Belief

The people ofte believe that beauty is based on the outer look, but the fact is beauty represent your self-image created by the cultural standard. How you compare yourself with beauty standard define your esteem level. Usually, people develop a negative self and body image. As a result, manifest low self-esteem. I am writing down three aspects of your physical features and three aspects of behaviour. Behavioural aspects could be I’m a creative person. I can write well. Or i am a hard worker and loyal person. Now put the list in order of priorities. The order will help you understand what is more important to you. The physical feature or behavioural characteristic; also, it will help to understand that beauty is just one aspect of personality and behaviour is much more for social communication and interaction. This exercise will help you understand that we are worst self-critic than other people. 

Have you ever checked the validity of the remarks you got from other people? Look into the mirror and remind those sentences which you heard about yourself from other people. Now validate it did they say write stuff? Always remember we can always shift our self-image by practising consistent internal dialogue. Instead of practice self-criticism, practice positive statements in the form of internal dialogue. This technique would help you to change your attitude, belief and behaviour. Also, this technique helps you to develop high self-esteem.

Avoiding Comparison

The people always compare themselves with others in academic achievement, career, social status and economic status. Life is full of diversity; people are different in terms of religion, caste, sex, sect, social status and appearance. The beauty of life is in diversity if all people would wear the same colour, eat the same food, look-alike, the beauty of life would disappear. Therefore people need to understand that diversity should be accepted. People are different but equal in one or the other way. The mindfulness for such acceptance leads to high self-esteem.

Channel your inner Rockstar

Can you judge a fish by her inability to climb a tree? Of course, you cannot because climbing a tree isn’t a speciality of a fish. You can judge her by her ability to swim in the water. Similarly, you cannot judge yourself with others because they have different skills and specialities, and comparison with them leads to anxiety stress and depressed mood. To boost your self-esteem, identify your inner rockstar, in what areas you are good ad how you can achieve the success and make more progress.


Exercises, meditation and relaxation techniques are very effective, practice such activities on a daily basis to enhance your self-esteem.

Anger Management: Mindfulness Acceptance and Community Therapy

Anger Management

Anger is a natural human emotion based on the cognitive process through individual interpretation and evaluation. Anger is a healthy emotion, but it is imperative to deal with it positively (). People experience uncontrollable anger that leads to many emotional and behavioural problems for self as well as other people.

How to control anger?

Anger can be the control using multiple techniques, but the Mindfulness acceptance and community therapies are advances in anger management.

Mindfulness Acceptance and Community Therapy

ACT  develop and maintain psychological flexibility by implementing following core strategies; cognitive diffusion, acceptance, being present, committed action, values and self as context ().

Creative Acceptance

In the first level, creative acceptance for the therapy is essential to develop acceptance for understanding the intensity and duration of the anger. The psychologist and therapist provide information about the traits of ACT by implementing diverse strategies such as eating oranges meditation to appreciate their participation in the session. 

Attention and willingness

The attention and willingness promote the understanding that anger results in invasion and escaping. The anger can be control by relaxing arm, legs, joints and trunk. Also, the breath counting meditation and mediation posture can be practice to relax the nerves of the patients. Giving the anger a name and writing a letter to the anger found to be an effective strategy in promoting willingness and attention to control anger.

Cognitive diffusion and awareness

The cognitive diffusion helps in understanding the cognitive limit of language. In this technique, the patient was asked to concentrate on their palm during meditation to feel the intensity of anger. The goal of this therapy is to develop insight into how concentration and attention are imperative in developing anger. Walking meditation is also helpful in anger management, as the client is asked to lift the hindfoot, stepping forward and lastly lay down the foot. The goal of the walking meditation is too aware of the client that the gap between thought, speech is narrower. 
In other words, controlling the thought can be effective in the management of anger.
The two sides of the coin activity have also been effective in the management of anger. The client was given a blank paper and recoded towrite the suffering and hurdles they experience while achieving their goals. Secondly, they were asked to write down their achievement and consequences after achieving goals. Then the therapist stole their paper and told the clients that the suffering had gone, but unfortunately, with the suffering, the desirable consequences had also gone. Furthermore, they can be informed that with each success, suffering and hurdles are consistent.


Self-observation refers to the evaluation of the present moment, regarding the thoughts and experiences of anger and irritation. In the moment of high anger, focusing on present situation regardless of being judgmental can be effective and helpful in anger management. The goal of this technique is not to avoid, fight or change the situation against the will rather observe the situation. In response to anger and dissatisfaction, by diffusing the present feelings, thoughts and physical senses present moment can be understood flexibly.

Understanding commitment

Understanding the commitment can be used with the other mindful meditation techniques. Welcoming the beggar is of the effective mindful technique, in which the therapist share a story of beggar. A beggar as the customer is not acceptable by a bakery owner. He would prefer to throw him away or deal ineffectively. The beggar should be accepted and treated acceptably. Similarly, the anger it should be accepted and treated in effective ways to avoid related problems.

Choosing values

To understand the importance of valuable life is significant for healthy mind and body. Multiple mindful games help in understanding the importance of values in life, such as finding a numbers games and passenger and driver games.

Finding a valuable life

The finding of a valuable life comprised a series of questions such as what values you have set despite young life. What kind of values you should have for a healthy and better life. Affection meditation produces a better result with mindful questions. All the above mindful acceptance and community techniques are effective in controlling anger. The help of a practitioner or therapist with the right practices are conditional for positive results.