Community Services for Child with Special Needs: An Exploratory Case Study of a Young Child

Author: Sana Rehman

The client is ten years old male referred to sexual and physical trauma. He was also having developmental delays such as limited interaction and communication skill compared to his age mates.

The cognitive, emotional, physical and social developmental stages help to identify developmental delays that limit the interaction, communication and behavioural deficit among children. The multiple theories provide evidence regarding the sexual and physical pathologies in the behaviour of the patient. The Erickson Psychosocial stages of development, Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, Jean Piaget theory of cognitive development, and Trauma and attachment theory provides a clear description of every stage of human development and pathologies. The question regarding developmental milestones would be asked by the mother or caregiver of the client.

Abraham Maslow postulated the theory of hierarchal needs. According to him, the very first need of human being is a biological need, which is mandatory for the essence of life. If a child of deprived of basic needs in the prenatal, postnatal or early stages of his life, his physical development might deteriorate. As a result of a lack of nutrients, many cognitive and behavioural deficits may occur. The second stage is safety and security; the child feels secure and safe in the presence of caretaker and parents as the above case indicated that the child had traumatic experience due to his father. It can be assumed that his safety needs have been in threatening that leads to limited interaction and communication issues. The third need is love and belongingness. The lack of love and belongings leads to isolation and other psychological disturbances. The fourth stage is the self-esteem stage if the child feels of self-esteem due to parental rejection or parental abuse or neglect. As a result, he may suffer from physical and sexual trauma.

Piaget theory of cognitive development comprised of four stages. The sensory-motor stage preoperational stage, operational and formal stage. All the four stages provide a detailed description of each developmental stage, which millstones a child in each stage. Such as in the sensory-motor stages, the child explores the world through his senses and mouth. In the preoperational stage, the child develops the egocentrism. The egocentrisms reflect that the child cannot view the world from others perspective. This stage s very crucially as the child is considered more self-centred. The operational stage the child developed the concrete thinking and began to understand the complex concept to some extent, in the formal stage, the child began to develop the logical and abstract thinking.

In the current case, the child is ten years old and stands in the operational stage of the Piaget, but has not achieved the milestones, such as his communication and understanding with the world is limited. The Erickson stage of psychosocial development provides an understanding of how each stage is crucial in the psychological and sexual development of the child. The trust vs mistrust stage develops the secure vs insecure attachment styles towards the caregiver. The child considers that other people will always be there to support him. 

If he finds a lack of support, the crises began to start, and as a result, he develops the mistrust, insecurity and fear. All these psychological aspect increases with the passage of time and the child develop the anxious or antisocial personality in the later life. The second stage of autonomy vs shame and doubt/guilt is the second stage of psychosocial development. The child in this stage strives to develop personal skill and independence. The parental support to provide freedom, appreciation and love for accomplishing their task lead to the degree of virtue.

In contrast, the lack of support and freedom and overly criticism make the child doubtful about his skills. The third stage is initiative vs guilt, the stage of assertiveness. The children interacted with peers in schools and strived to take the initiative role in play activities. If they provide opportunities to take the lead to control the activities and make an informed decision, they develop positive incline for decision making. Otherwise, they began to mistrust their ability to take control of situation and decision making. Another important stage is industry vs inferiority, that deals with competence among children. In this stage, the child began to play the role of student, and teacher-student interaction develops a need for approval.

The teacher asks a student multiple questions and the child answer the questions to feel competent. If the child could not answer the question, he develops the inferiority complex, which further psychological issues. In the above case, they must have been fixation at any stage of the psychosocial development that leads him towards psychological issues. Attachment theory describes the parent-child attachment patent. According to the theory, there are four basic attachment style, authoritative, authoritarian, submissive and negligence. 

The authoritative parenting does not allow a child to make their decision and practice strict parenting regardless of child needs, wants and desires. Such parenting style leads to insecure attachment with the child. The other types of parenting style lead to secure attachment style to some extent. The trauma theory also suggests that any obnoxious experience or event adversely affect the development of the child. 

The signs of trauma are significant to eliminate the development of the child. On the basis of above theories, the questions would be asked, and after initial diagnoses, the child would be referred to a doctor for further assessment. As the child was having the developmental and psychosocial issues, he will be referred to the child psychologist or the pediatric who deals with the developmental issues of the child. Multiple centres are working for the assessment and management of the child problem; the child will be referred to the one of the following centres.

Government and Non-government Services

Centre for intellectual and developmental disabilities is the leading research centre that deals with the assessment and management of the developmental issues of the children. 

    Centre for developmental disorder focus on autism, intellectual disability, down syndrome and numerous other developmental disorders impact on daily living and propose unique interventions plan.

    Centre for intellectual and developmental disabilities research aimed to conduct high-quality research for the betterment of children with developmental disabilities.

    Child developmental services deal with the special developmental needs of the children to enhance their potential.

    The Tizard centre provides the best services to provide the high-quality care to the children’s with developmental disabilities.

    Children identity developmental services provide assistant to the children to identify their identities.

    Child development centre works for the treatment and assessment of the children with developmental needs.

    Developmental behaviour pediatric clinic diagnose the children with developmental delays.

    Newham child developmental centre strives to meet the multiple developmental needs of the children.

    Development vision clinic assists the children with developmental vision issues and other developmental delays.

    The centre for disability studies conducts scientific research for the management of of child developmental issues.

    Child development centre fulfils the needs of the paediatrics with developmental dilemmas.

    Developmental service resources centre provides support to the children having developmental disabilities

    The lighthouse child development centre aimed to benefit the parent and children dealing with developmental delays.