Impact of Online Education among Students during COVID-19 Pandemic

Corona Virus commenced at Wuhan and prevailed in 209 countries including Asia, Europe, America and Australia including Pakistan (Waris, Atta, Ali, Asmat & Baset, 2020). The mental as well physical life of the people has affected adversely. In response to the communicable disease of COVID-19, two rules i.e. isolation and Quarantine emerged for the safety of people (Brooks et al., 2020). The implementation of quarantine shakes all areas of human lives, in particularly the academic life beard a significant lose (Chatterjee & Chauhan 2020). The University authorities and HEC took an initiative for the online classes. Although online education is a very favourable step for the prospect of students and the nation as well, unfortunately, online education was found to be associated with multiple limitations. The most common limitation is the lack of familiarity with technological advancement, comprehension issues, communication barrier, and internet access. Due to the above-mentioned limitation; the student may encounter multiple psychological, behavioural and biological issues, which has been outlined in the bio-psycho and social mode. 

1- The Biological impact 

As the students are more habitual with the traditional education system, therefore the exposure to online education may cause some biological deficit. The persistent exposure to screen found to be associated with multiple medical problems in literature, which have been described below (Alkis & Taskaya, 2018). 
 Back pain. As online education requires long screen time, therefore it may cause chronic back pain. It has been observed in the literature that the people work in the office or spend long hours on a computer screen often complain about chronic back pain. 
Muscle stiffness. The long screen time not merely associated with back pain but also leads to muscle stiffness problems. The massive body of researches highlighted the strong association between long screen time and muscles stiffness. 
Vision and Hearing Problem. The online education may cause blurred vision or hearing problems. The literature is enriched with the studies, which suggested that excessive exposure to laptop or cell phones cause hearing and vision problems.     
Other Disturbances. The restricted body movement during online classes may cause some other issues such as body cramp, heart disease, diabetes and cancer

2- The Psychological Impact 

The impact of online education is not merely limited to biological consequences but found to be associated with psychological issues as well (Masic, 2008). The most prevalent mental health issues are listed below. 
Anxiety. As online education is a novel concept in Pakistan, the students are not habitual for e-learning; therefore, they might develop anxiousness (Cao et al., 2020). The anxiety can be seen in terms of comprehensions, technological use, internet access, or communication level. 
Depression. Another consequence of online education is depression. According to the substantial body of research the depressions is significantly associated with e-learning. 
OCD. The obsession and compulsion during online education are very prevalent. The obsession such as I can’t learn through online education, or I shall fail the exams can impart a very negative impact. In response to such obsessions, the students manifest rigid behaviour (compulsions) they recurrently miss the classes or avoid taking exams. 
Personality Disorder. The fear of failure leads to identity issues, low self-concept and dependency; whereas the sense of accomplishment is found to be associated with a healthy personality. The fear of failure found to be consistent with personality disorders and low self-concept, dependency and identity issues are predictors of personality disorder.
Eating disorder. The online education is not directly interlinked to an eating disorder. As online education reported to be associated with depression, anxiety and stress, hence all these psychological disturbances lead to eating disorders. It has been observed in the literature that people e during depression, anxiety or stress either prefer over-eating or stop eating. In both cases, they develop an eating disorder which further leads to medical and psychological issues (Mukhtar, 2020). 
Sleeping Disorder. Same like an eating disorder, online education is not directly interlinked with a sleep disorder. Online education cause stress, depression and anxiety disorder. The depression, anxiety and stress often lead an irregular sleep cycle and that further leads to sleep disorder and other psychological disturbances. 
Low self-esteem. The students are least aware of technological advancement, so online education can adversely affect their sense of self-esteem. They might feel incapable to have academic achievement therefore to avoid the feeling of shame they may interact less. As a result, they might develop low self-esteem. 
Comprehension problems. The compression issues during online classes are very common, as the students are more habitual for online education. The face to face interaction provides a better opportunity to resolve all the equerries regarding the lesson. Therefore the may feel the online education infective mode of learning. 

3- The Social Impact

Communication skills. Te online education reported being associated with communication skills. It has been observed the people who spend more time on social media or online learning often report communication problem. They manifest difficulty while communicating with people. 
Loneliness. The excessive exposure to online learning not merely cause communication problems, but also found to be associated with loneliness. During traditional learning, students get the chance to meet fellows and teachers, and the interaction makes them a sense of belongingness. They feel themselves as part of a group and according to literature inclusion in social setting impart a positive impact on the physical as well as mental health of the people. Hence, online education can develop the feeling of loneliness as the student may feel that they communicating with machines rather than human beings. 
In short, the online education during COVID-19 may cause many psychological disturbances, which are important to address on the priority basis. The university authorities, teachers and management staff must take initiative to resolve the psychological issues of the student to enhance the academic achievement.