How to Make Money Online: the most Common Mental Health Issue

Author: Sana Rehman

The online business is gaining tremendous progress in the current times. Multiple options are available for online business such as marketing, freelancing, advertisements, social media management, a consultancy business, web management, sales consulting, online blogging, and designing. Every individual is interested in knowing ‘’how to make money online’’. Although the online business has contributed to the economy of Pakistan, it is also leading many mental health issues. The most common factors that are leading to mental health issues among people due to online business are as under.

First of all online businesses have raised new competition among people. People from different academic backgrounds are interested in running an online business despite a lack of knowledge in this field. The mismatch between academic background and professional selection leads to multiple career issues. For example, a person with a psychology background prefers to become a blogger. If he is not aware of HTML language, Robotix, Fetching, Google indexing, Google analytics, and Google search console, so he may not run the blog successfully. 

The business without proper knowledge is wastage of time and leads to failures in carrier development. Similarly, a high ratio of people is interested in running their YouTube channel and most commonly they prefer entertainment niche, but again lack of knowledge about Google analytics leads to multiple issues as result they stop putting effort. Besides this many people choose the YoTube niche as opposed to their academic or personal skills, which again leads to drop out of the business. The failures and drop out in online busses lead to multiple psychological issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, and mood disorders.

Secondly, the reliance on online business fascinates the people as it seems to require the least effort and hard work. Unfortunately, it’s a misconception; an online business requires proper time and mental hard work compared to traditional businesses. In the current mechanical life, people are more interested in robotic jobs. Physical activity has become the least preferable in jobs or carrier, therefore the online business has become the first choice of every individual. Unfortunately, the people who are running their online business considered more successful as they can earn in dollars with the least efforts. 

The people who cannot earn through online work experience substantial psychological distress.

Thirdly, many people invest money in online jobs without verifying websites. As a result, they experience scams. The encounter of scams is one of the most leading causes of frustration and psychological distress.


Fourthly, the advertisement for online business with exaggerated income set unrealistic carrier margins among people. In response to these unrealistic business profits, people start putting efforts for online earning. When they cannot earn according to their preplanned mindset, as a result, they feel frustration, anxiety, depression and distort their connection with reality.

Fifthly, online businesses are distracting the people who are successfully running their traditional business. The negative thoughts about earning more through online business rather than traditional one can cause a feeling of distress. Furthermore, the automatic thoughts for having a successful online business may decrease their passion for their work. As a result, they may underperform and may destroy their already established business.

Lastly, the population of Pakistan is least familiar with the internet advanced technology. Digital illiteracy is associated with many mental health issues such as negative self-concept, inferiority complex, and low self-esteem. The knowledge and facilitation provision for digital literacy is very important to promote among Pakistani youth so that they can run their online business. This particular aim requires substantial and efforts of IT experts to spread awareness among people.

The trend for an online business is beneficial for the economic prosperity of the people. As it provides many opportunities for unemployed people, but the gluttony for an online business is just a root cause of mental issues. The people must verify the websites before starting any online job or business, so that obnoxious consequences can be avoided. Also developing realistic expectations from an online business is very important to avoid mental health issues. 

A more social media awareness campaign for scams and safety measures are needed to protect the mental health of the people. Furthermore, raining workshops, webinars and conferences should be designed to train the students, businessmen, and women to run their online business. The search for ‘’How to make money’’ should be used productively rather than developing mental health disorders. The Government, Policymakers, and education departments should take collaborative steps to mitigate the psychological or mental health issues by providing authentic sources for online education.