How to Conduct Candidate Screening in Organization

Identification of Job Position

The identification of a suitable person or employee for an industrial or organizational job is challenging. The progress of any organization primarily depends on the employee's capabilities to work in extreme wok pressure (Kyllonen, &Kell, 2018). Employees meet long-term organization objectives and economic opportunities. Therefore, the selection of an employee is a systematic process for analyzing the organization's needs on how many employees are needed and what kind of knowledge, skills, and talents are required to satisfy the organization's needs. The current study highlights the process of assessment for the selection of Line Manger in Slovak enterprise Multinational corporations.

 First Line managers (FLM) strives to enhance the workforce strengths in the respective department by implementing the rules and regulations. The first line manager not merely manage the present organizational climate but also focuses on the future prospect of the organization. Thereafter, it is crucial for them to develop strategic plans by keeping unity among team members.  Furthermore, the recruitment of the capable manager would assist in training the staff and updating the strategic plans. As the role of the FLM is very important; therefore, the selection of FLM must be followed by standardized testing and structured interviews. 

The standardized testing and structured interviews help in selecting a suitable candidate for the manager post. The current study provides an in-depth understanding of the conduction of standardizing tests and structured interviews for the recruitment of suitable candidates. Furthermore, it also highlights how the scores of the standardized test and battery combine to provide valid and reliable results.

Analysis and Selection of Standardized Test and Psychometric Properties

The Slovak enterprises and other Multinational corporations implement the standardized and psychometrically sound test to investigate the suitable candidate for the job. The intelligent test measures the abilities of logical and abstract thinking to handle work in critical situations. Aptitude used to measure mechanical abilities or skills, manual dexterity in particular domains. The attainment test is used to measure the individual depth of knowledge in a particular domain.

The personality test also considers crucial in the selection process. Lastly, the assessment center primarily focuses on investigating that the individual is suitable for which position. For the selection of First-line managers in Slovak enterprise, the interviews and aptitude tests will be carried out. The three tests that will be used in the current study are the attainment test, aptitude test, and personality test.

 The personality aptitude and attainment test have been chosen as they better fulfill the job characteristics for the post of first-line manager. The first line manager has to perform very critical responsibility. Therefore the assessment of multiple domains is crucial.

The personality, aptitude, and attainment test provide the multiple dimension approach of the candidate to assess the suitability of a job. The personality test would provide the leadership style and individual differences of the participants, either they can lead and manage a team or not. The individual differences in personality assessment would help in identifying which personality type is more accurate to handle extreme work pressure.

Furthermore, the personality assessment provides the Temperamental information, which helps in determining the discrepancies in understanding the easy and difficult temperament associated with organizational production. The aptitude test would help in assessing either the participant have the mechanical skill to accomplish and guide any task with the employees. The attainment test would provide if the participants have in-depth knowledge in their field or not. The mechanical skills and in-depth knowledge not merely save time but also helpful for providing training to the new employees for better consequences. 

The literature suggested that all three tests have sound psychometric properties. All these tests have Cronbach alpha in the range of .70 to .90, respectively (Kyllonen, &Kell, 2018: Poore, Forlines, Miller, Regan, & Irvine, 2014). The test restest reliability was also found to be psychometrically sound. Furthermore, the validity falls between -1 to +1 range. The dimensions of personality, attitude, and attainment test would be considered while developing the interview items.

Development of Structured Interview 

Apart from battery and tests, the interviews also play a crucial role in the assessment of candidate suitability for a particular job. Structure interviews provide in-depth information about the candidate’s verbal and non-verbal skills and abilities to perform a task. The verbal and non-verbal cues indicated on what question the candidate was more confident and quick.

In contrast to what questions, we were a bit reluctant and answered delayed. Further, the sitting style, posture, gesture, and eye contact also plays a significant role. The structured interview based on the scenario also found to effective in determining the skills of the participants. Therefore, in the current study for the recruitment of a first-line manager, a structured interview was designed. 

The structured interview would provide additional and in-depth information along with the battery test. As the first line manager handle workflow, assign the task, deal with employee problems, and monitor the quality of work. Therefore the structured interview would be bout management skills, problem-solving skills, and leadership qualities. A 15-question of structured interviews are listed below.

1.      How can you complete a task in extreme work pressure?

2.      Do you think you have leadership qualities?

3.      Which leadership style is more important to manage teamwork, democratic, or autocratic?

4.      Are you considered a mentor?

5.      Do you have a history of negative interactions with your employees?

6.      Are you a problem solver?

7.      Describe your management skills?

8.      How do you see and define success?

9.      How you keep unity among your team members?

10.  How do you manage work or personal stress and conflicts among team members?

11.  How do you motivate employees?

12.  Share any tough decision you made?

13.  What is your biggest management weakness?

14.  How do you manage your stress?

15.  What is the essential aspect of growing industry or organization production?

The above-structured question provides the in-depth verbal ad non-verbal information about the suitability of the candidate for the post of first-line manager.

The Ethical and Diversity Standards and Consideration for Testing 

The significance of ethical and diversity standards cannot be ignored, whole conducting the testing. Ethics must be followed while conducting a psychological or personality assessment. The key point that should be considered while conducting the testing. Initially, the individuality of the participant must be intact.

The difference in opinion, behavior, and skills should be respected. Secondly, the questions of the interviews, battery or test should not contain such items which may violet any psychological, emotional, behavioral, or physical state. Furthermore, the interviewer should not use such harsh words, and any kind of ethnic, racial, or religious discrimination should not be practiced. The favoritism for racial, religion and ethics composition should be avoided.

Individual Differences 

The battery, test, and interviews are designed in such a way where all candidates are asked the same question in the same way and order. The scoring key of each response also has similar patterns. In such a case, we can observe the common traits of the individual, but the evaluation of individual differences is hard to investigate. To investigate the individual differences, the interpretation of tests, battery, and interviews need special attention.

The interpretation of interviews through coding and thematic analysis depicts a high variation in responses. Therefore, the identification of individual differences is easier in interviews. Fore ample the responses for item no 1 ‘’How can you complete the task in extreme work pressure’’ provides the variety of responses.

A few respondents might reply by assigning the task with a clear direction. Once the direction is clear, anything can be accomplished. While some other respondents may suggest that by being available for help all the time may reduce the work pressure.

Both the answers have values, but the behavioral assessment of the candidates in interview questions plays a crucial role. The time gaps in answer, voice, pitch, posture, gesture, and eye contact help the interviewer to assess how confident and true the candidate is in their works. As far as the assessment of battery and test is concerned.

The identification of outlines and variance may define the individual difference. The reliability of the data suggests that how many individuals have the same responses, and high reliability indicates the sound psychometric properties. In contrast, variance shows the ratio of people who did not agree with three other respondents. The Test and batteries also comprised of scoring essential such as agree, disagree, strongly agree, and strongly disagree. The degree of agrees falls in two categories strongly agree and agree. The selection of scoring keys also manifest the individual differences in agrees and disagrees.

Scholarly Evidence and Real-world Example to Support Decision 

The role of batteries and interviews for the recruitment of the first-line manager is crucial. The literature is enriched with the empirical studies highlight the significance of both interviews and batteries for the recruitment process. The use of only batteries or interviews may not provide better results. Therefore the combination of batteries and interviews should be used for the selection process (Landy, & Conte, 2013). Hardavella, AamliGagnat, Xhamalaj, &Saad, 2016) recommended that the preparation of interviews should match the test items to identify the discrepancies in the assessment. 

The similar responses in both the battery and interview illustrate the high capabilities of the candidate. In contrast, if the result of the battery or test doesn’t match with the interview answer, it depicts the person is not providing a valid and reliable result. In such cases, the person should not be a recruit for the company. Vermeeren et al., 2014 suggested that the financial growth of any organization or industry depends on the fine selection of participants. The selection through standardizes test and structured interview are the fundamental source of employee recruitment. Warth, &Dyb, 2019) stated that the teamwork in any organization or industry is common, and the tests to check the ability to work in a team, workload, and problem-solving must be checked prior to the selection of the candidates (Fleishman, 1988).

In real life, the temperament and attitude of the people help in determining the capabilities and personality patterns of the individual. These temperaments and aptitudes help in determining the career, course subject, and future direction. The selection of course books Based on interest and aptitude brings about the future prospect of the individual. Similarly, the selection of employees based on standardized tests and structured interviews are provides capable candidates to enhance the productivity of the organization.