Effect of Caffeine on Cognitive Functioning

Caffeine is the most widespread psychoactive substance and food used worldwide. As Caffeine is naturally present in much plant-based food such as coffee, tea, cocoa, and cola, therefore it imparts a greater impact on the cognitive functioning of humans. According to literature, the caffeine is cognitive enhancer and helps in improving the logical, abstract thinking, memory, and work performance. While according to other contradictory studies, caffeine adversely affects cognitive functions and health. The current essay provides evidence if the caffeine is an enhancer or hazardous to people health.
Impact of Caffeine
Caffeine is used as a stimulant among people, and the most reports advantages of moderate caffeine consumption include betterment in cognition, physical endurance, alertness, mood, and fatigue. The wide variety of risk and advantages are associated with caffeine consumption, but for an adult, 400 mg considered does not cause any risk to health and cognition (Nehlig, 2010). The impact of caffeine on cognition has been derived from literature, as literature is enriched with the evidence-based study concern the impactor caffeine on cognition. Caffeine reported having inhibitory or facilitator effects on learning and memory. 
 According to a study, caffeine facilitates passive cognitive learning, but it does not help when the task is being learned intentionally.  Caffeine helps in performing tasks involve in working memory to some extent, but do not facilitate the tasks, which entirely depend on working memory.  Studies suggested that caffeine does not affect on long-term memory (McLellan, Caldwell, & Liberman, 2016). Caffeine helps in enhancing memory under suboptimal alertness state. Apart from memory and cognition, caffeine also reduces anxiety and hedonic tone, but the high dose cause stress, jitteriness, and nervousness (Nehlig, 2010). The diversity of researches produced different result s concerning the results of the caffeine to human health and cognition. According to some studies, the caffeine effect varies according to the age range, while some other studies suggested that cognition oriented effect of caffeine are sex-related. Caffeine causes cognitive decline among the oldest population and female spatial or abstract thinking.
In contrast, the literature provides substantial data, which depicted that the excessive use of caffeine increases the risk for sleep disturbance, cognitive decline, a decline in long term memory, logical or abstract thinking (Shukitt-Hale et al., 2013). Furthermore, the high dose of caffeine not merely affect the cognitive functioning, but also adversely impact the overall health of human being including physical or psychological aspects such as anxiety, headache, and dehydration. The excessive use of caffeine is prevalent all over the world as human are more mechanical in current times. They spent more time on cyber or technological advances, as a result manifest joint problem and chronic back. The lack of physical activity makes them clumsy, and to keep them fresh, they consume a high amount of caffeine. Another reason for the high consumption of caffeine take is the western trend (Cappelletti, Piacentino, Sani, & Aromatario, 2015). The cocoa, coca, and other caffeine substances are trendy in South Africa and America. The high enhancement of performance in fatigued participants substantiates that caffeine is a mild stimulant.
Considering the above evidence, it appears that caffeine is not a pure cognitive enhancer. The indirect effect of caffeine on mood, arousal, and concentration impacts on cognitive enhancing properties. Despite its positive impact, the negative consequences cannot be ignored, either it's I cognitive, psychological or physical. From the above evidence, it has been concluded that the balance and low usage of caffeine are positive for human cognition and health. In contrast, excessive use has been found negative for the health and cognition of the human being.