Does Violence Beget Violence? Nature and Nurture of Antisocial/Criminal Behaviors among Young People

Does Violence Beget Violence? Nature and Nurture of Antisocial/Criminal Behaviors among Young People
The criminal / antisocial behaviors are very pervasive in the contemporary civilizations.  The rising trend of criminal behaviors is very alarming for the fabric of society and needs special attention of the researchers, sociologists, anthropologists, and psychologist to control the situation. The statistics of the United States alone indicates that over 2 million young people are annually arrested. The extent and level of crime or antisocial behavior are widespread and covers many adverse aspects.

Categories of Antisocial/Criminal Behaviors

According to the behavioral disorder may divide into two broad domains; internalizing and externalizing behavior. The Internalizing behavior manifests the hidden, covert or invisible characteristics and deficits, such as withdrawal, depression, and isolation.
In contrast, externalizing behaviors are visible or overt action and may be observed as physical and verbal aggression disturbing others, and in acts of violence.  According to a study, the normative and problematic patterns of antisocial behavior occur during adolescence The previous data signifies that the external behaviors are more prevalent among boys and the internalizing behaviors are more common among girls. Biologically the boys are more expressive and manifest their aggression in their action in the form of verbal or physical aggression including self-harms and harm to others. In contrast, the girls manifest more internal aggression such as anxiety, depression, and somatization. Antisocial behavior in youth is a serious health problem with adverse consequences such as prison, social and emotional decline and professional underachievement in later life. The boys rarely manifest the internalizing problem in the western cultures, and the girls infrequently manifest externalizing behaviors.

The Antisocial or Criminal Behaviors Involve in What Type of Activities

The antisocial or criminal behaviors indulge in multiple activities, such as failure to confirm law, manipulation of people for personal gain, inability to maintain consistent employment, deception of people, and failure to sustain or develop secure interpersonal relationships. Antisocial behavior (AB) in adolescence is predictive of numerous problems in adulthood including crime, mental health concerns, substance dependence, and work problems. Countless young people have been arrested for the charge of committing crimes by the juvenile courts in England and Wales during the last 15 years. The antisocial and criminal behavior has been a topic of debate for many researchers, sociologists, and psychologist for an extended period. Some studies indicate that antisocial behavior is a foremost health concern among youngsters, is also found to be associated with high risk for contemporaneous and mental or physical health-related issues. The large proportion of the UK population is involved in unhealthy activities, and the nature of unhealthy or inappropriate behaviors varies on a high scale. The most common offenses of antisocial behaviors are the destruction of property, excessive use of illegal drugs, self-harm. According to literature the offenses rate in young people is in the peak that blemishing the fabric of the society and the majority of youth is poisoned in jail or admit to mental hospital for their deviant behaviors.

Age Onset

The statistics of crime indicates that distribution of age crime found to be on the peak in young people and then gradually turn down in adulthood. The young people are more vulnerable towards the criminal or antisocial behaviors. The young people encounter many challenges in the school, home setting that distorts their thinking pattern, and they began to indulge in non-healthy activities. The physical, emotional, and psychological alternation also disturb their way of thinking and comprehending the situations. As a result, they manifest deviant or undesirable behaviors. According to DSM V, the antisocial behavior turned into antisocial personality after the age of 18 that cause more alarming consequences for him and the other peoples as well.

Prevalence of Antisocial Behavior

The prevalence of crime rates is increasing alarmingly in the United Kingdom. The annual crime statistic report of UK indicates that the young people with age range of (10-17) proven committed crime are 176,511. Prevalence estimates of Antisocial Behavior recommended that approximately 88% of young people among population report Antisocial or criminal behaviors. The increasing crimes and antisocial behaviors of young people are not merely blemishing the fabric of society, but also devastating the future of the nation and the youth as well. Young people considered a backbone of any nation, the economic, and social expansion entirely depends upon them.

Etiology of Criminal or Antisocial Behaviors

 The prejudice, upbringing, discrimination, extremism, terrorism and advance living standards are the causes of criminal behaviors among young people. The prejudice about opposite groups, sect religion or nation cause discriminatory behavior that further leads to extremism and terrorism among youth. The extremism and terror raised the inclination towards crime and antisocial behaviors. Here the question arises what is antisocial behavior or criminal behavior. The literature suggests that in West Midlands region 32 different forms of offenses have been identified as ASB and in other regions the nature of the crime and anti-social behaviors are different. The extents that differentiate the criminal behavior from non-criminal behavior are social norms and standards. Each society and social standards have some norms that people are supposed to follow. Temperaments also play a significant role in committing criminal or antisocial behaviors. An individual with an easygoing temperament take the undesirable situation lightly and better cope with the unwanted circumstances.
On the other hand, a person with difficult temperament manifests numerous unhealthy action when encountering the objectionable situation that further cause many problems. A particular behavior might be average at one place or country and considered criminal in another place or society. According to DSM V, the antisocial behaviors refers to socially exploitative, guiltless and irresponsible behavior. According to a study of the parenting style, parenting practices; parental attachment and parental mutual harmony are responsible for antisocial behavior among people. Media is playing a central role in promoting antisocial behaviors as a theory ‘’Does violence beget violence’’ suggest that the violence evoke the feeling of vengeance, and the unreliable news of media create the feeling of hatred for opposite group. As a result, the individual indulges in threatening activities. The youth fascinated by the action movies or advance reality shows and practice the unique behaviors that lead them towards deviant and antisocial or criminal behaviors.
According to some studies, children who break laws in their childhood tend to develop antisocial behaviors at their young age. Some contradictory studies indicate that the decline in antisocial behavior occurs in late adulthood or old age. Furthermore, they recommended that parenting and antisocial behaviors have strong connections.  The antisocial behaviors comprised of illegal patterns such as vandalism, theft, setting fires, assault, crime and other delinquent actions, which violate the social norms. The factors that contribute to the antisocial behavior problems in childhood are imperative to study, to design the management plan for prevention and intervention strategies. As young minds considered immature, emotional, and more vulnerable towards crimes, therefore the terrorist, media, and politics have targeted them. The young people targeted for developing the radical beliefs by the criminals to misuse their minds and body for devastating purposes. Therefore, it is imperative to study the adolescent behaviors to develop insight into the right and wrong. However, the literature has some gaps regarding an environmental or genetic factor that leads to antisocial behaviors.