Envy among Siblings


Author: Sana Rehman

What is Envy among Siblings?

Envy is a feeling of discontented aroused by siblings' luck, possession, or quality. The envy among siblings has become a very alarming issue in the current time. Many awful, terrible, and nasty incidents have been seen regarding envy towards siblings on media. However, it is very important to identify the causes and ways to reduce envy among siblings. The common causes and ways to overcome envy are listed below.

What are the Causes of Envy 

The causes of Envy are important to address so that recommendations can be identified. The following points are the fundamental causes of Envy. 

Birth order. The birth order among sibling influences the personality patterns. It has been observed through literature those firstborn children are more confident and dominating compared to the other siblings. While the younger one found to be more stubborn, outspoken, and aggressive compare to the middle child. Besides, the middle child often manifests a shy, even-tempered, and spoiled baby. The feeling of envy developed when they do not get the environment according to their needs and personality demand.

Unfair Comparisons. Sometimes sibling starts hating each other due to making unfair comparisons. They do not understand their individual difference and want to get all the qualities and advantage the other sibling gets. For example, my sibling is more capable or beautiful than me. He gets more love from parents compared to me. These kinds of unfair comparisons lead to envy and hate among siblings.

Work pressure. Domestic work or work for financial support is also a reason for developing envy among siblings. It has been observed that if a sibling fulfills his work-oriented responsibilities properly, but the other sibling doesn’t. This kind of conflict also leads to a feeling of envy among siblings.  

Family Influence. Sometimes family develops a feeling of hate or envy among their children. The provision of more academic and career opportunities to one child develops the hate of that particular child. Sometimes a child or person gets more respect from family due to his personality traits, as a result, the other sibling starts feeling insecure. These insecurities further retransform in envy and other negative emotions.

Parental Influence. Parental affection towards one child is considered another important factor in developing envy among other siblings. In a western culture like Pakistan, people either love their talented or successful child or the most incapable child. The preference and love for children vary from family to family. If parents love the incapable child the hardworking child experiences disappointment and as a result manifests negative feelings towards siblings. On the other hand, if a parent loves only a capable child, then a less hardworking child manifests more envy or feeling of hate towards other siblings. 

Hitting Millstones. Sometimes one child of the family achieves high milestones such as high academic grades, a good job, or better carrier options. Such a milestone provides high attention from relatives, family, and people. High achievement of one child often develops low self-esteem among people and they start manifesting feelings of hatred.

How to Reduce Envy among Siblings?

The feeling of envy among siblings is very crucial to reduce for establishing healthy relationships. There are certain ways to control envy towards siblings, which are listed below.

Stop making Comparison. As mentioned above unfair comparison among siblings by parents, relatives or self is a very common cause. Therefore there is a need to avoid making a comparison in front of siblings. On the parental level, the parents should understand that each child is born with some special and unique characteristics. On a personal level, children, adults, or adolescents need to understand that they have different qualities and use their talent wisely to achieve their academic, career, or personal goal. They also need to understand that envy is a very negative feeling and blood relations are meant to be loved.

Divide work or responsibility equally. Every sibling needs to understand their role and responsibilities and perform their tasks persistently. The division of responsibilities and work is very effective in establishing healthy or stable relationships. 

Remind positive traits. Usually, people start hating their siblings because they do not know their positive traits. Familiarity with personal traits or capabilities gives a sense of self-confidence. As a result, one doesn’t feel insecure about the success of other siblings. Not only familiarity but one should frequently remind their positive traits to avoid the feeling of envy.  

Love Yourself. Always accept and love yourself, this s the only way to keep your mind positive. The people who do not love themselves often shoe unkind behavior towards others. Love towards self often develops the feeling of respect and affection for the other one. Hence in this way envy can hate can be reduced.

 Find the special and alone time. Try to spend quality time with each of your siblings. Quality time will help you to establish mutual understanding. Mutual understanding would further help you to accept your siblings regardless of all flaws or virtues. All these factors would help to build a healthy relationship with siblings and overcome the feeling of envy.