Excess of Everything is Worst: A case Study of 10 Years Old Overprotective Child

 Author: Ushna Nawaz

Each individual has basic needs and wishes which they want to fulfil to make their lives healthy, wealthy, and pleasant. But, when one’s desires or needs exceed from a certain level, it causes a problem that turns a healthy life into obnoxious life. Some examples can help us to understand this concept, such as excess of food can cause obesity, excess of stress can cause damage to brain and its functioning, excess of tension and worry can lead towards some mental disorder, excessive consumption of drugs, alcohol or smoking can damage body organs, excess amount of sleep can enhance the health risk, excessive exposure to screen can cause overweight, sleep problems or pain of body parts (i.e., headaches, neck, and shoulder pain), and being good all the time can also cause a lot of problems in your own life. 

Even though having a lot of power and health also lead towards negative consequences as there is a mythical story which says that; In the same manner, each individual needs social support to live in a community. As we all know that man is a social animal, so society has a great impact on men, society can affect individuals either positively or negatively. Social support is the psychological and material support people get from others. The three basic supports are support from family, support from friends, and support from others. 

The social support helps individuals to cope with various life situations and enhances their wellbeing. But when this social support elevates from a certain level, it can also bring problematic consequences as there is a Bollywood movie with the name “

In 2019, Palant and Himmel conducted qualitative research to watch over the negative effects of social support. In this study, 42 patients with inflammatory bowel disease were included. The result of this study revealed that social support is perceived to have a positive effect, but sometimes, it can also affect negatively (Palant, & Himmel, 2019). A real-life example can also be taken through this case history.
Case History
The client was a ten years old boy. He had a normal birth. His mother had no physical and mental illness at the time of delivery. At the time of birth, the child didn't show any abnormal symptoms. After birth, he exhibited normal reflexes and had no sensational issue. After 10 to 15 days of his birth, his parents started noticing that his colour turned to blue, become thin and had wrinkles on his body. At that time, his family didn't consult with any doctor but moved towards spiritual treatment. 

His developmental milestones were delayed. He had a one-word speech at the age of 2 years. Then, his family consulted the doctor; he recommended allopathic and psychotic medicine. He felt fear from adults other than his family members. He did not use pamper at all. He avoided to use the toilet and defecated alone in his room behind the door. He did not use the toilet because of his shyness and his first bad experience of sitting on the hot toilet seat. Once he went to a wedding, there he did not use the toilet for five days, and after coming home, he defecated behind the door of his room.

 He had no strong social circle. He felt hesitation about going out of his home because other children called him 
The client had a supportive and over-protective family. He was dependent on his family for his daily tasks. His family pampered him a lot. He did not get scolded from elders. He had a loving relationship with his siblings and parents. He had jolly fights with his siblings. He was stubborn with his family members.

The client got admission to a private school at the age of 6 or 7 years. After some duration, his family changed his school and sent him to a government school. He didn't make friends in school. He was an obedient student and co-operative with his teachers. He avoided going to school when teachers showed strictness towards him. He was a below-average student. In this case, the client was able to perform his routine tasks, but the over protection provided by his family was not letting him do his routine chores.

Not only overprotection can cause the problem, but sometimes being criticized by others can also lead to unwanted consequences as you can see in this case history that when the boy got negative comments from others living in his neighbourhood, he avoided going outside and liked to stay in his home. 
Moreover, the appreciation and support should also be provided at the right time, and on the right thing or situation; otherwise, this will not bring any fruitful outcome. For example appreciating (by laughing) a child when he abused the first time and not appreciating (by saying good words) a child when he scored good marks in test or paper, as defined by Skinner in operant conditioning (McLeod, 2015).