Anger Management: Mindfulness Acceptance and Community Therapy

Anger Management

Anger is a natural human emotion based on the cognitive process through individual interpretation and evaluation. Anger is a healthy emotion, but it is imperative to deal with it positively (). People experience uncontrollable anger that leads to many emotional and behavioural problems for self as well as other people.

How to control anger?

Anger can be the control using multiple techniques, but the Mindfulness acceptance and community therapies are advances in anger management.

Mindfulness Acceptance and Community Therapy

ACT  develop and maintain psychological flexibility by implementing following core strategies; cognitive diffusion, acceptance, being present, committed action, values and self as context ().

Creative Acceptance

In the first level, creative acceptance for the therapy is essential to develop acceptance for understanding the intensity and duration of the anger. The psychologist and therapist provide information about the traits of ACT by implementing diverse strategies such as eating oranges meditation to appreciate their participation in the session. 

Attention and willingness

The attention and willingness promote the understanding that anger results in invasion and escaping. The anger can be control by relaxing arm, legs, joints and trunk. Also, the breath counting meditation and mediation posture can be practice to relax the nerves of the patients. Giving the anger a name and writing a letter to the anger found to be an effective strategy in promoting willingness and attention to control anger.

Cognitive diffusion and awareness

The cognitive diffusion helps in understanding the cognitive limit of language. In this technique, the patient was asked to concentrate on their palm during meditation to feel the intensity of anger. The goal of this therapy is to develop insight into how concentration and attention are imperative in developing anger. Walking meditation is also helpful in anger management, as the client is asked to lift the hindfoot, stepping forward and lastly lay down the foot. The goal of the walking meditation is too aware of the client that the gap between thought, speech is narrower. 
In other words, controlling the thought can be effective in the management of anger.
The two sides of the coin activity have also been effective in the management of anger. The client was given a blank paper and recoded towrite the suffering and hurdles they experience while achieving their goals. Secondly, they were asked to write down their achievement and consequences after achieving goals. Then the therapist stole their paper and told the clients that the suffering had gone, but unfortunately, with the suffering, the desirable consequences had also gone. Furthermore, they can be informed that with each success, suffering and hurdles are consistent.


Self-observation refers to the evaluation of the present moment, regarding the thoughts and experiences of anger and irritation. In the moment of high anger, focusing on present situation regardless of being judgmental can be effective and helpful in anger management. The goal of this technique is not to avoid, fight or change the situation against the will rather observe the situation. In response to anger and dissatisfaction, by diffusing the present feelings, thoughts and physical senses present moment can be understood flexibly.

Understanding commitment

Understanding the commitment can be used with the other mindful meditation techniques. Welcoming the beggar is of the effective mindful technique, in which the therapist share a story of beggar. A beggar as the customer is not acceptable by a bakery owner. He would prefer to throw him away or deal ineffectively. The beggar should be accepted and treated acceptably. Similarly, the anger it should be accepted and treated in effective ways to avoid related problems.

Choosing values

To understand the importance of valuable life is significant for healthy mind and body. Multiple mindful games help in understanding the importance of values in life, such as finding a numbers games and passenger and driver games.

Finding a valuable life

The finding of a valuable life comprised a series of questions such as what values you have set despite young life. What kind of values you should have for a healthy and better life. Affection meditation produces a better result with mindful questions. All the above mindful acceptance and community techniques are effective in controlling anger. The help of a practitioner or therapist with the right practices are conditional for positive results.