Psychological Suffering in Nephrotic syndrome and Self Care

The hypothetical case study comprised of the 32-year-old woman with the imaginary name Frank. The patient was referred with a 2-week history of symptoms such as swelled legs, eyes, and the body as well. She had a history of poor diet patterns and chronic constipation without recent illnesses, fever or hematuria. The initial diagnosis revealed mild bilateral ascites, pedal edema, low hemoglobin 79 g/L, with low ferritin or iron and marked microcytosis and hypochromia (Popko, Górska, & Kuźma-Mroczkowska, 2017).
The reduced serum protein and hypoalbuminemia evaluated with triglycerides (454 mg/dL). The final diagnosis was given to her as a Nephrotic Syndrome (NS) with anemia, iron deficiency and poor diet based on laboratory and clinical findings. The patient was treated with iron, oral and intravenous methylprednisolone supplements. For the management of thromboembolism, Antiplatelet therapy with dipyridamole was instituted and furosemide & albumin used to treat the elevated worsened edema and blood pressure. The treatment and management plan was given to her for a particular time of 18 months when she was discharged to follow up monthly session. Renal biopsy was done as it is an essential aspect for the diagnosis of Nephrotic Syndrom and helps to design the management and treatment plans for patients (Souvannamethy, 2017).
The diagnosis of Nephrotics Syndrome in the early adolescent has had a dramatic emotional, behavioral psychological and physical effect on Frank. The social, occupational and personal functioning deteriorate due to the ‘'being sick'' thought (Peng, Li, Hu, Yang & Yang, 2015). Frank encountered with stressful automatic negative thoughts, as she would die soon (Nourbakhsh, & Mak, 2017).
The obsession of thought enhanced the apprehension about the recovery and treatment positive sign made her isolated from the family and society. Furthermore, he developed the symptoms of persecution as people do not have any concern regarding my health and life and it makes no difference to them if I would die (Bierzynska, & Saleem, 2017). Healthcare practitioner gave her psychological and moral support, and then she showed a little interest in self-care and managing his dialysis treatment.
The literature recommends that numerous factors impact the Quality of Life among patients, such as psychological, physical, behavioral and emotional well-being (Souvannamethy, 2017). Patient personal experience, beliefs expectations, and outcomes play a significant role in developing the positive and negative attitude towards health care system and individual self-esteem and self-concept (Schijvens et al., 2017). The unplanned hospitalization, medication, oral drug intake, formal assessment, changed dietary plan psychologically and emotionally affect the patient. As a result, they manifest behavioral and psychological dysfunctioning. 
The renal biopsy was a prolonged process that causes fear, a frustration of the patient towards the treatment process. Although the results of the renal biopsy were positive, and the patient recovered to some extent, but the more session was required for the complete recovery. The frank was prescribed by the Registered Nurse to visit the hospital regular with the strict dietary plan.
Frank reported that while taking antiplatelet therapy with dipyridamole and oral supplements to reduce the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, she felt herself death near to her. The fear of death was affecting his self-esteem and self-concept and the self-worth as well. The literature also suggests that the patient with Nephrotic Syndrom found to have depressive symptoms and elevated mood. Some studies grounded in the results that the patients with Nephrotic syndrome manifest anxiety after the exposure with the management procedure.
According to Beanlands, et al. (2017) the quality of life of Nephrotic Syndrome patients has investigated dramatically low regarding physical, behavioral and psychological functioning. Frank also reported the itching, loss of hearing, clay color stool, and jaundice after taking furosemide dosage for the management of edema. Furthermore, she accounted for suspicious attitude towards her recovery. The psychosocial apprehension towards treatment method and the positive outcome made the patient reluctant toward health care system. The collaborative work between the patient and healthcare practitioner may bring positive result and alter the attitude towards illness.
Frank developed the negative attitude towards the treatment modalities of Nephrotic Syndrome and due to the side effects of medication and unfamiliarity with advance treatment method. As a result, he showed reluctant and non-adherent behavior for treatment and skipped the regular consultation for Nephrotic treatment. Nakata et al. (2017) elaborated that through education and healthy relationship between healthcare practitioners and patient, the adaptive functioning of the client may enhance. The patient will and support is an integral part management plan for gaining positive outcome from treatment. For the better health recovery, the patient needs to learn the necessary skill of self-care and coping strategies against stressors.
According to Korpershoek, van der Bijl, & Hafsteinsdottir, (2011) Self-care is the fundamental strategy to independently adapt with day to day stressors, improve the self-efficacy and healthy behaviors, reduce the patient's vulnerability to developing the psychological symptoms and apprehensions. Self-care comprised of multiple tasks of daily living including the personal hygiene, mobility, sitting and moving, making up, wearing clothes, eating, and bathing (Vining Radomsky, & Trombly Latham, 2008). Research shows that despite the proper treatment plan and self-care precautions of the patient, the caregiver's inadequate skills and lack of knowledge may worsen the condition of the patient (Gholamzadeh et al., 2015).
Therefore, the Nephrotic Syndrom patients report inability to manage their daily life independently when discharge and lacking caregiver support to regain former. Thus, educational interventions may empower Nephrotic patient capable of self-care and coping. Psychologists can also change the negative attitude of the patient towards condition and train them how to overcome the negative consequences of illness (Wang et al., 2017)
The self-help care that is imperative to look after by the patient after discharge is comprised of physical activity, diet control, optimistic mood and timely consultation with a doctor. Majority of the patient with Nephrotic Syndrome report such experience, the proteinuria, and hematuria increased after excessive physical activity, and prefer bed rest (Nakata et al., 2017). They need to educate that long-term bed rest is not suitable for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome. The excessive physical activity for an extended period may cause decline the recovery, but the moderate level of physical activity is positive for Nephrotic patients. The frank was also suggested to maintain the average level of physical activity by the Psychologist and Counsellor.
The appropriate diet pattern is also the fundamental aspect for the recovery of a patient. The diet pattern for Nephrotic Syndrome patients should be low fat, low salt, low protein, and high fiber diet oriented. The food directly affects the treatment of the Nephrotic syndrome. Therefore precautions in a diet are mandatory for fast recovery (Hjorten, Anwar, & Reidy, 2016). Frank was given prescribed dietary plan to follow the basic instructions.
The long-term treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome causes the irritability, pessimism, despair, and elevated mood and emotions, which directly damage the psychological physical and behavioral health of patients adversely, affect the disease. The patient encouraged developing an optimistic attitude, and expectation from recovery may enhance the likeness to recover fast. The frank was also suggested to be optimistic for her better health. As the patient of Nephrotic syndrome develop low body resistance and immunity and become more vulnerable to infections. Therefore, the patients need to consult their doctors frequently and avoid the outdoor activity in winter to escape from the oral cavity and perineal skin. The frank was advised to follow the session after discharge for better health.
Furthermore, due to the unfeasibility of Frank biopsy from a hospital, he was taught the self-needle to his fistula. He was educated to insert the long needle into the renal cortex; the buttonhole technique proved beneficial for him. As Frank was right handed he felt that he could manage this task independently.
The Psychologists honor the individuality or uniqueness of the patient, respecting their culture, choice, specific needs and social context (Iijima, Sako, & Nozu, 2017). This document demonstrates the vision for patient-centered Nephrotic Syndrom services that include education programmes to encourage people with long-term Nephrotic Syndrom patient. The psychologist evaluates the competency and compliance of the patient towards management plan and self-care practices after instructional delivery.
Although the Frank showed the adherence and compliance to the treatment process and self-care process, he is still under the nurse's care. Hopefully, she will get the full recovery if he continued his self-help care with the collaboration of the Nurses.
The code of ethics enforces some responsibility to Psychologists that the information delivery about the assessment, management diagnosis should be précised and authentic. The easy to understand terminology can bring positive consequences ad mistakes, difficult vocabulary or inaccurate information could come into question. In that respect, the psychologist should ensure that the given information is accurate or comprehensible to the patient (Papakrivopoulou et al., 2016). 
The patient suitability refers to the capability of a patient to competently regulate all the given instruction and accurately follow the self-care for the maintenance of good health (Lee et al., 2016).  As the frank was assessed to be pessimistic, depressive and apprehensive in the initial stages, therefore it was uncertain to analyses if he would follow the self-care instructions or not. Furthermore, the self-esteem and self-concept were also found to be negative; the nurses tried to develop the optimistic attitude towards recovery. The frank indicated his motivation for a healthy life, that was a pinpoint towards positive consequences.
Frank pursues the instruction after discharge, which legitimates us to progress to the next step, which was to provide a suitable learning environment and support. She was introduced to the group therapies, individual therapies, and awareness related workshops to adopt decisive and optimistic lifestyles. Frank expressed the positive behavioral, emotional, psychological and social attitudes.
    The self-care or self-management involves various challenges, including timely identification of symptoms and follow up of a comprehensive management program. Literature confirms that those patients enjoy more quality of life in term of health who can take care of their self. The self-management emphasizes the empowerment and active engagement of patients before, during and after treatment with the healthcare professionals (Galdas et al., 2015). 
Ogunbayo, Schafheutle, Cutts, & Noyce (2015) supported the benefits of patient self-management by stating that the self-management the mental and psychological well-being of the patient and promote the healthy behaviors such as eating healthily, exercising regular visit to the medical rehabilitation center. De Silver, (2015) indicated that self-management develop a sense of responsibility among patient and enhances the positive self-concept and self-esteem that promote a positive approach to deal with stressors.
The self-care or self-management of the patients provides numerous benefits to psychologist enlists the abundant advantages of patients self-care, such as if patients can identify and manage their symptoms that may help in saving the time of nursing to pay specific care to each patient. It would be also beneficial for the economic growth of health care system; there would be no need to hire maximum psychologists and health care staff  (Gulati, Sinha, Jordan, & Hari, et al. 2010). The education about self-care, dialyzes, diet plan, psychological management enables a patient to cope with the symptoms in the initial stages. It is also beneficial for the health of the community as each member of the society should be aware of necessary precautions of the diseases and help each other in the time of emergency (Pereira., Wade, Brito-Melo, Guimarães, 2014). The education of the patient about the illness does not merely help him in a recovery process.
Dorthea Orem (Simmons, 2009), believed, that people have a natural tendency for self-care and that psychologist should polish that tendency of the patients. The patient can learn the Self-care skills after getting credible and knowledgeable to provide this teaching service (Hudson and Macdonals, 2010). The preferences of the patient need, and desires by the psychologist can develop a healthy relationship between patient and psychologist. As a result, the patient develops the positive outlook towards treatment modalities.
The prolong sickness and non-adherence to treatment may alter into a compliant behavior with the optimistic approach. According to Hjorten, Anwar, & Reidy, (2016) the empathic, neutral and kind attitude regardless of gender, racial, lingual, and ethnic classification rule out the oppressions and anxieties of the patients towards health care system. Also, the easy to understand medical terminology also helps the patient overcome their fears towards diseases.
The education and proper information about the disease and treatment reduce a feeling of vulnerability and depression makes the patient courageous to deal with the illness realistically and positively (Hjorten, Anwar, & Reidy, 2016).  The health educators work in diverse settings including formal, informal lectures, group work, select, and implementation of appropriate strategies for different educational goals. The literature showed that people have the rigid attitude toward renal biopsy and the self-care management of psychological symptom associated with the illness (Ravani, Ponticelli, Siciliano, et al., 2013).  The fundamental reason for patient's non-adherence and apprehension about the biopsy was related to fear of inserting the needle or cut in the skin oriented. Tibbles et al. (2009) have proposed in their study that clinicians must consider the latest models of self-care to deliver patient-centered service and promote hemodialysis.
Frank was given a self-care management plan, and he effectively follows up the education program instruction and knowledge. The complete compliance to medical treatment enables to Frank to access his buttonhole fistula, and perform dialysis treatment by inserting a long needle into the renal cortex. The frank has undergone the depression and anxiety due to the prolong disease duration and relapses in disease with the medication and follow up session. The psychologist and the educational program helped him to cope with stressor and building tolerance level for recovery. 
His attitude towards disease and treatment has altered dramatically, he is showing compliant, and adherent to all instruction related to following up session. The positive outlook towards treatment and self-management improved his social, occupational and personal functioning.
Although the self-management is very common in contemporary health care system, the actual implementation of the educational program by keeping in mind all the code of ethics and code of conduct is significant for the improvement of the patients. The patient-center approach is very much useful that only prefers the patient, wants, need, desire while implementing treatment modalities, and overcome all the related apprehension (Zhang, Wang, Liu, Zhong, Yao, & Xiao, 2017). The all above target may achieve only with the help of psychologists, their knowledge, experience, and ethical responsibility may evoke the significant positive change in the attitude of the patient. As mentioned by De Silver, (2011) the positive outlook of a patient towards illness develop the optimistic approach towards recovery and the patient productive take part in the management process.